Forum Discussion

Ed_Martens's avatar
Jan 17, 2020

irule behaviour different after upgrade



Hope that somebody can help me with the following:

In release we had the following part of an irule:

set uri [HTTP::uri]

($dg is the data group name constructed of some variables, which contains allowed uri)


   if {[class match $uri starts_with $dg] }


          if { $static::otudebug }{ log local0. "DataGroup $dg URI Match, [IP::client_addr]" }


      else {


But after the upgrade to the uri didn't match any more.

Even when changing the uri allowed in the datagroup to "/". Which would basically means that all is allowed.

But this still didn't match ????

by changing the irul to :

  if {[class match $uri contains $dg] }

This made the whole script working again (also with the original uri..)


Am i missing something or is this a bug in the v14 release?



  • After debugging and keeping my head clear.

    When logging the URI which has been send

    set uri [HTTP::uri]

            if { $static::debug }{ log local0. "DataGroup $dg URI Match, [IP::client_addr], RECEIVED URI: $uri"

    It showed the following:

    Jan 22 08:19:33 xxxxinfo tmm3[14209]: Rule /parte/irule <CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT>: DataGroup URI Match,, RECEIVED URI:


    So uri isn't uri anymore but just the whole HTTP request.

    F5 says different:

  • I remember seeing an equals bug btw... but starts_with is something new... Interesting.

    Bookmarking this to see future answers.


    BTW were you able to generate a qkview and upload on the ihealth to see the bugs & fixes.

      • jaikumar_f5's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        You can open a F5 case and confirm this. Unfortunately I dont have this version to test and confirm it.


        F5 support engineer can spin up one and have this tested and resolve your issue.