TCP::collect and large TLS v1.3 client hello packets
Is anyone using iRules successfully to parse SNI names from the new TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber client hello packets? The problem is the these packets are larger than MTU(?) size, around ~1800 bytes. Normal hello packets are ~500 bytes. I'm using TCP profile for which iRule parses SNI name to pass the connection as is to correct destination pool. How to reproduce: when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # [TCP::payload length] shows only 1352, rest of packet missing, CLIENT_DATA is never called again } It only ever gets the first ~1352 bytes from packet, CLIENT_DATA is only called once, seems there is no way to get rest of the packet. If I add argument to collect length >1500 with "TCP::collect 1600", then it will read the whole ~1800 byte packet in first CLIENT_DATA. But this will break all connections that send normal small ~500 byte hello packets, as it just keeps on waiting for data indefinitely. Is there any workaround? BIG-IP version Connect not keeping connection open on HTTP 204 No Content
We have an application that returns a 'HTTP 204 No Content' response on 99% of all requests. These connections are being kept open and reused on the client side of the F5. The problem is the Load Balancer closes these connections on the server side right after the HTTP 204 RESPONSE is received from the server. When we send a HTTP 200 the connection is kept open and reused(normal One Connect operation). Is there an iRule that we can apply to the VIP to keep the connection open even when the Server returns a 'HTTP 204 No Content'? Thanks534Views0likes9CommentsIrule to block specific users from login to back office system
Hi guys, i need your help to fine tune my Irule script i need to catch the username ( convert it to lower case ) and than match it to the data group list. if its not exist on the DataGroup list, send 403. so basically is a post method only and the uri always come with /login the payload is form data that contains the username and the password as you see at the form data my irule looks like this: Code when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: HTTP Client Connected" } when HTTP_REQUEST { if {([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] ends_with "login") and ([HTTP::method] eq "POST")} { Trigger collection for up to 1MB of data if {[HTTP::header "Content-Length"] ne "" && [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] <= 1048576} { set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] } else { set content_length 1048576 } Check if $content_length is not set to 0 if { $content_length > 0} { HTTP::collect $content_length } } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set username [lindex [split [string tolower [HTTP::payload]] "\""] 3] log local0. "Split payload and take username" if { [class match $username equals BOAgentName] } { log local0. "username matches data-group and this connection will be rejected" log local0. "BoAgent Blocked. Agent=$username and Source IP=[IP::client_addr]," HTTP::respond 403 } else { log local0. "BoAgent Allowed" } } but its not working for me.. 😞Solved675Views0likes5CommentsConnection limit on virtual server and message back to client
I am trying to set max connection limit and connection/sec on a virtual server, once the max connection limit is reached can LTM send message back to client that " it is over limit, please try after some time" or any schedule that try during this time window ?? Do we need to make any changes of back end servers in pool ? Will appreciate your answers.900Views0likes7CommentsRemoving port from a redirect
Hi all, One of our web developers has asked me if we could strip off a port number in a redirect they are doing. I thought the following would do this, but it doesn't appear to work. when HTTP_REPSONSE { if { [HTTP::is_redirect] } { if { [HTTP::header Location] contains "" } { log "Original Location value: [HTTP::header Location]" HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase {} [HTTP::header value Location]] log "Updated Location value: [HTTP::header Location]" return } } } And here is what is written to the log Original Location value: Updated Location value: Note: actually the log includes http but if I enter in a URL in this new forum s/w it does odd things to it. Any help appreciated. Craig431Views0likes9CommentsIcall script argument
Hello! How I can translate to icall script argument from APM via iRule? Example. I want generate user certificate SSL via APM. I wrote bash script, but it should be called with two argument - UserName and UserDomain. Thank you! sys icall script gcc_script { app-service none definition { exec /home/root/scripts/ $UserDN $DomainDN exec istats remove "GCC generate for UserDN" } description none events none }278Views0likes1CommentGeolocation restrict and redirect to a URL
hi all, Currently we have geolocation restriction enforced, where we only allow user from location APAC and those who are not from APAC region will get the default response page "The requested URL has been rejected. Please contact your administrator", is there a way to configure and redirect them to a custom URL? I tried to test using irules but it doesnt seem to be working. Thanks.59Views0likes3CommentsName of iRule in variable?
Hi, We use output from iRules both for debugging purposes and also for logging. As a matter of fact the log (ltm.log) becomes pretty cluttered.Part of that is because on first sight you have no way where (i.e. which iRule) an output comes from. In order to make things more readable I thought about including the name of the iRule in a "log local0"-message. Is there any "system-" or "predefined" variable holding the name of the iRule? So for example when I have an iRule named "abc" this variable should hold the value "abc" whereas the same variable should hold the value "xyz" when being referenced in iRule "xyz". Thanks much in advance for any clue. -ejf5329Views0likes3Comments