Forum Discussion

Chronos_258816's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 28, 2016

Host Header Validation

Greetings,   I have been tasked with crafting an iRule to validate the host header of incoming packets to a given virtual server. I have tried a few different irules to attempt this an yet I am t...
  • VernonWells's avatar
    Jul 28, 2016

    A data-group is a convenience rather than a necessity.

    I tried the following on 11.5.4:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::host] ne "" } {



    I tried all of the following combinations:

    1. HTTP/1.1 Host header;
    2. HTTP/1.1 Host header;
    3. HTTP/1.0 no Host header;
    4. HTTP/1.1 Host header followed by HTTP/1.0 no Host header;
    5. HTTP/1.1 Host header followed by HTTP/1.1 Host header

    Case 1: allowed;

    Case 2: rejected (i.e., TCP RST);

    Case 3: rejected;

    Case 4: allowed then rejected;

    Case 5: allowed then rejected.

    Incidentally, if a pool is assigned to the VS, then the else clause isn't needed (it's the default anyway).

    Having said all of that, your issue may be relate to this note, found in the reject explanation:


    Subsequent code in the current event in the current 
    iRule or other iRules on the VS are still executed 
    prior to the reset being sent.


    I recommend putting a return after the reject.