Forum Discussion

Joshgreen_94's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 16, 2022

URI host header redirect failing

Hi all,


I'm currently in the process of spinning up a service in parrell to the existing, pre migration phase. This means they hang off the same VIP and therefore need to be handed by a host header redirect iRule. 

For arguments sake lets say the existing service is and the new service will be (I am using a hyphen IRL) 

My iRule config is large so I have redacted the only bits relevant for this and amended the names etc. 

"/josh*" {
snat automap
use pool Josh_Pool ----> This works (the existing service)


"/josh-2/*" {
snat automap
use pool Josh_Pool2
} -----> this doesn't work.

Attempts to reach the service return a 404 error. I don't see the traffic stats increment on the pool itself so my understanding is that the host redirect iRule cannot be working correctly. Is the previous "/josh*/ header mitigating my new one?







    • Joshgreen_94's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Dario,


      Of course - D'uh. Obviously didn't have my weatabix that day.


      Makes perfect sense and now working perfectly. 


