Forum Discussion

Vshah's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 24, 2024

F5 Irule for maintenance page on application

Hello All,


Is it possible to use the page screenshot(jpg) on ifile and call it on irule 


   # Retrieve the file contents, send it in an HTTP 200 response and clear the temporary variable
   set ifileContent [ifile get "test_application_name"]
   HTTP::respond 200 content $ifileContent
   unset ifileContent

  • Yes it's doable and it's pretty straight forward. I hope the vip that you are planning to apply to, is a maintenance vip as i see in your irule you don't have any if else block. So it will apply for everything that's going to hit this. 

    • Vshah's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I have applied the JPG file and when I am applying to the VIP its giving me an error "ifile is not present".