Forum Discussion

gdoyle's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Nov 07, 2019

X-Fowraded-For with a UDP profile?

Hey, all. I have a request from a customer that they want to see the originating source IP (i.e. not the IP of the VIP) for logs they are receiving. Currently this is setup using a UDP protocol and UDP profile. Can I just use a simple irule to insert the x-forward-for headers into the datagram? I was thinking something like I have below, but for UDP, but there is no "when UDP::request" argument in an irule.

Is there a way to have an irule do this or is there a way without using an irule?

when http_request {
	if {[http::header exists X-Fowraded-For]}
		http::header replace X-Forwarded-For "[http::header X-Forwaded-For], [IP::client_addr]"
	} else {
		http::header insert X-Forwaded-For [IP::client_addr]


  • In order to have any chance at doing this, you will need to do a stream rewrite or a payload and append operation. Since BigIP doesn't have a protocol parser for UDP, and since Syslog is not a request/response protocol, there are only when CLIENT_DATA events.

    You will need to map out the current syslog message format and your rule might look very roughly like:


    when CLIENT_DATA {

    set sNewMsg "SourceIP:[IP::client_addr]:[UDP::payload]"

    UDP::payload replace 0 0 $sNewMsg


  • In order to have any chance at doing this, you will need to do a stream rewrite or a payload and append operation. Since BigIP doesn't have a protocol parser for UDP, and since Syslog is not a request/response protocol, there are only when CLIENT_DATA events.

    You will need to map out the current syslog message format and your rule might look very roughly like:


    when CLIENT_DATA {

    set sNewMsg "SourceIP:[IP::client_addr]:[UDP::payload]"

    UDP::payload replace 0 0 $sNewMsg


  • gdoyle's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Thank you, this is exactly what I needed for a great starting point.