Forum Discussion

N_67263's avatar
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Oct 11, 2014

Working on a iRule for applying on a "Performance (Layer 4)" VIP.

folks, I am working on a iRule which actually needs to allow a particular URI for a particular set of IP's only. If the URI is different then allow all IP's.


The challenge is that since this VIP is defined as a "Performance (Layer 4)" VIP we are unable to use HTTP_REQUEST in the iRule. Through some other posts I found the CLIENT_ACCEPTED can be used in the iRule. However, I still am confused how can I build the iRule.


Will something like "URI::path contains" work here?


regards, Nik


  • URI::path requires you feed it a URI which you cannot get at layer 4 so its no use to you. You will need to use FastHTTP at a minimum which gives you HTTP_REQUEST event.


  • Hello Nik, My understanding is that Performance L4 VIP cannot have Irule processing, especially if you are trying to do URI parsing.
  • yes. I am still trying to gind a way of achieving what I need.
  • I went through the comments and feedback provided by the members but still trying to find out a way I can achieve my end goal.


    I understand why my iRule is not getting applied after our discussion last week. This being a Performance(Layer 4) VIP, and HTTP working at Layer 7 is causing the mistmatch.


    The other option I see that is to use Performance(HTTP) kind of Virtual server. But, can I use Port translation here? Essentially, my VIP is listening on port 443 and then the servers in the pool are listening on port 7800. Should this be a problem?


    If not, in case the Performance(HTTP) is used I believe the iRule I am trying should work.


    Any comments?


    The SSL certificate is also on the servers and not on the F5.