Forum Discussion

Mike_Schmidt_29's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 06, 2017

Warning when using the reset-Option in HTTP::respond

Hi everyone,

I´m having trouble using the reset-Option of HTTP::respond in the following line in my iRule:

HTTP::respond -reset 404 -version 1.1 noserver

When I safe the iRule, I´m getting this warning in the LTM-Log

warning: [The following errors were not caught before. Please correct the script in order to avoid future disruption. "-reset is invalid integer"1096 47][HTTP::respond -reset 404 -version 1.1 noserver]

I really can´t see the difference between my line and the one in the DevCentral-Page (

I´m using BIG-IP 12.1.1.

Any help is welcome.


  • Hi, it is a good question despite the wiki documentation. The closest I got to success was:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        HTTP::respond 404 -version 1.1 -reset 

    I could see big-ip sending RST to the server, but it was needed to remove "noserver" statement. You may need to empty the "Server Agent Name" option to the HTTP profile to have the same effect.
