Forum Discussion

donmunyak's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 18, 2024

vscode ucs save edits

When using the vscode extension 'The F5 Extension' to view a local UCS file, I can search and analyze the objects with great ease.

However, I cannot save any edits. I keep getting a warning message stating:

Failed to save app.conf; Unable to write file /app.conf (Unknown(FileSystemError): Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open /app.conf)

I was hoping to use vscode to edit bigip_base.conf without unpacking, using vi, then repacking.

I even tried editing the file permissions prior to opening the UCS
> chmod 666 file.ucs

  • Is there something I'm missing or miss-understand, ...or
  • Is this not possible?

Apple Mac: Sonoma 14.5
Externsion: Last updated, 2024-04-17, 16:43:43



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