Forum Discussion

toubal_28735's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 18, 2015

Viprion mgmt mac address


I have a viprion 4400 with one blade in version 11.6.0. I have vcmp provisionned and one vguest in version 11.6.0 also. I pinged the Hypervisore's mgmt while taking a pcap on the Hypervisore. I noticed that the mac address I saw in the pcap and the mac address in the output of the command

show net interface all-properties | grep -i mgmt
aren't the same !

In fact, the mac address I saw in the pcap wasn't in the output of the commande "

show net interface all-properties
" at all. I tried running the same commande on the Vguest (
show net interface all-properties
) and the mac address wasn't there either .

My question is then where this mac address came from ?

Many thanks, Karim

3 Replies

  • My understanding is the VIPRION chassis has a virtual interface behind the physical management interfaces.

    On BASH try running the following to get management interface details:

    ip addr show mgmt
  • Karim's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    hmm thanks for your feedback, the output of the command displays the correct mac address I was seeing in the pcap.