Forum Discussion

Curious1's avatar
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Nov 29, 2019

URI Rewrite remove info

How can I remove info from the below URI? Other objects will be called after the numbers so cant just rewrite URI to "/"   hxxp:// : remove any IP address after the /
  • Enes_Afsin_Al's avatar
    Jan 07, 2020

    Hi Curious,

    Can you try this iRule?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string match {/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*} [HTTP::uri]] } {
            # log local0. "matchedUri: [HTTP::uri]"
            set changedUri [string trimleft [HTTP::uri] "/"]
            # log local0. "changedUri: $changedUri"
            if { $changedUri contains "/"} {
                set newUri "[string range $changedUri [string first / $changedUri] end]"
            } else {
                set newUri "/"
            # log local0. "newUri: $newUri"
            HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]$newUri"

    You can change regex with better expression. I couldn't find exact expression for the IP match.