Forum Discussion

Jace_45978's avatar
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Dec 16, 2015

reject public IP to url allow internal IPs

have a site that needs to reject public access to /abc (allowing internal IPs) but allow public/private access to /abc1

started out with this irule to reject /abc but then realized that /abc1 needs to be allowed. not sure how to "match" /abc and allow /abc1


if { ( [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/abc" ) and not ( [class match [IP::client_addr] equals private_net] )} {

seems like there may be a modification on the "starts_with" maybe "equals" ?? thanks in advance. Version 10.2.2

  • Yes, using "equals" would be the right choice for an exact match. Also consider using HTTP::path instead, as the HTTP::uri returns the path and query, i.e. /abc?param=def and by using the URI for comparison wont give you a match. Thanks, Stephan
  • Hi Jace,

    iRules evalutes your conditions in a first-match order.

    So either make sure you'll use a collision free conditions set by using "equals" operators (as Stephan already recommended), or evaluate the most restrictiv "starts_with" condition first and the continue to evaluate the less restrictive "starts_with" condition (see snippet below).

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set low_uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
        if { $low_uri starts_with "/abc1" } then {
             Allow the request
        } elseif { ( $low_uri starts_with "/abc" ) and not ( [class match [IP::client_addr] equals private_net] ) } then {

    Cheers, Kai