Forum Discussion

maher_69299's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 02, 2010

Redirecting URL with IP address to same URL that have the domain name

Hello Everyone



We have users accessing our web site using the IP address instead of the domain name. For example they use on the browser to access How can I re-route them if they use the IP address to domain name URL instead of the IP address. Thanks
  • I need a similar IRULE like the one posted by Aaron "for a different issue" but to redirect the IP address instead of the ""



    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "" } { HTTP::redirect "" } }
  • Hi Maher,

    Here is an example which redirects clients who access the VIP with a hostname other than

     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
         Check if host header value is not 
        if {not ([string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "")}{ 
            Send a 301 redirect 
           HTTP::respond 301 Location "" 

  • I think I got it .. I just changed the name after the " " to an IP address and it works
  • Thanks Aaron. I guess I replied before seeing your post. I used your other Irule and it works. I will try the last Irule you posted since it seems more general than specifying an IP address. Thanks again