Forum Discussion

Joel_Breton's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 06, 2017

Redirect base on source IP Address for Virtual Server - Local Traffic Policy

Is it possible to have a local traffic policy to redirect traffic based on source ip address.

Here's what I've setup but I don't get any hits on the policy

Policy Name: Redirect-Traffic
Strategy: Execute first matching rule 

Rule Name: Match-Server1
Match all of the following conditions:
TCP address matches any of at request time (apply to traffic on remote side of external interface
Forward traffic to node 

Rule Name: Match-Server1
Match all of the following conditions:
TCP address matches any of at request time (apply to traffic on remote side of external interface
Forward traffic to node

I've generated traffic from both sources but the traffic policy never applies to Rule1

Here's an output of show ltm policy in tmsh

| Rule                       Action Invoked Succeeded
| Match-Server1 0  [forward select]       0         0
| Match-Server2 0  [forward select]       118     118

Is the remote side of external interface - the source client IP address (cs-client-addr)?