Forum Discussion

Mohammed_M_Irfa's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 23, 2018

Virtual Address MAC Address?



Can any one help me out in finding the MAC address of virtual address associated? with any one of interfaces CLI/GUI.


For troubleshooting any network issue need to find what will be the MAC address of Virtual address.


Please share the command or step to find the what MAC address of virtual address is associated.


  • If you have MAC Masquerade enabled it will be the MAC Address defined under the Traffic Group configuration:

    GUI: Device Management ›› Traffic Groups ›› traffic-group-1


    tmsh list cm traffic-group traffic-group-1 mac

    If not it will be the MAC address of the VLAN used for the ingress traffic:

    GUI: Network ›› VLANs : VLAN List ››


    tmsh show net vlan 
  • Hi


    The Virtual Address MAC should correspond to the VLAN MAC address that the Virtual IP resides in - loads of info on this can be found here