Forum Discussion

emilio_104458's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 30, 2011

issue with newline

hi all,


i've a strange issue with an irule:


i can't add new line in a variable.



i try with:


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp '\n']


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp "\n"]


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp \n]


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp '\r\n\r\n']


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp '\r\n']


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp "\r\n"]


set allHeaders [concat $allHeadersTemp "\r\n\r\n"]


set allHeaders [append allHeadersTemp "\r\n\r\n"]


and so on....




but when i log the variable with


log local0.debug " $allHeader"


the results is alway a single line with blank space instead new line.





can u help me?



thanks in advice :)


  • George_Watkins_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Newlines won't print in the log messages and the function you're looking for is called "join." I think the combination is what may be causing your issue here. Try printing them in an HTTP response like this and see how it works:

    ltm rule concat_http_headers {when HTTP_REQUEST {  set header_names [HTTP::header names]  foreach header $header_names {    lappend headers "$header: [HTTP::header value $header]"  }   HTTP::respond 200 content [join $headers "\n"]}}

    Hope this helps,

  • hi,


    thanks for replay.



    this variable is fill to send througth connect command to backend server, and the tcpdump on server side shows that newline doesn't arrive well formatted.



    after a lot of test i think the problem is concat command and i've resolved using append in this way:


    set invia [concat "GET " $myUri ]


    append invia " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"



