Forum Discussion

tsm_329805's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 29, 2017

iRule to Check Internet Explorer browser..!

Dear ,


Could you please help in providing the condition to check the IE browser check.? Earlier below syntax use to work, but not it stopped working..!


// switch -glob [HTTP::header value "User-Agent"] { "MSIE 6" - "MSIE 7" - "MSIE 8" - "MSIE 9" -


"MSIE 10" - "MSIE 11" - "Firefox" { ....




can someone help.?




  • Hello TSM,


    Which version of IE are you using ?


    Could you add the following lines to your irule


    if { [IP::client_addr] eq "x.x.x.x" } { log local0. "User Agent value [HTTP::header value "User-Agent"]" }


    and check logs in file /var/log/ltm




  • Hi TSM,

    to identify Internet Explorer regardless of its version, you have to check for the pattern "MSIE " or "Trident/".

    switch -glob -- [HTTP::header value "User-Agent"] { 
        "Mozilla/*MSIE *" - "Mozilla/*Trident/*" {
            set is_internet_explorer true
        default {
            set is_internet_explorer false

    Note: For further information which UA-String is used by which browser you may check up the following page [click me].

    Cheers, Kai