Forum Discussion

Sriram_129909's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 01, 2014

iRule errors out on Insert operation

The following snippet of iRule broke my Virtual in 10.4 but works fine in 11.2


HTTP::header insert F5-Unique-Id $md5var


The following is the error I got:


TCL error: tcop_hslog - Operation not supported (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::header insert F5-Unique-Id $md5var"


Is this a problem with the 10.* version. The same irule in same version is applied on other virtual servers and it works fine. Any idea?


  • Yes exact same configuration in the 11.4. If there is any place to confirm the fact about priorities, that answers my question. Thank you very much Kevin!


  • You could put a log statement at the top of each event declaration and see the order triggered.