Forum Discussion

jcarter_41605's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 16, 2012

Irule Editor Syntax Check

I'm a developer tasked with writing the iRule, but they don't give me access to the f5. I toss the iRules over the fence and they send me back syntax errors. And then i blindly make changes and toss them back over the fence. The iRule Editor does not seem to allow syntax checking without connecting to the f5. Not much use to me. Can you make the syntax check available without connection to the f5?
  • I'm pretty sure the reason that the iRule Editor requires to be connected to a live F5 box is because it uses iControl to perform the syntax checking. The checks are built into TMOS and not the client itself.



    I agree this would be a fantastic addition to the client, but I'm not sure of the feasibility.



  • Aaron_Forster_3's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Likelyhood is low. iRuler relies on the bigip to do the syntax checking rather than trying to write the full syntax checker ourselves. I wrote an iRule editor in java called Njod and rely on the same functionality.



    You should be able to download the lab edition run that in a VM and point to that. It's a bit of an ugly hack to say the least.
  • when LB_FAILED { HTTP::respond 200 content "The system is currently unavailable, please try later.


    " }