Forum Discussion

maher_69299's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 01, 2010

HTTPS Redirect

Can you please tell me what is wrong with this IRULE. It works fine for HTTP but I couldn't make it to work for HTTPS.







Check if host header value is not


if {not ([string tolower [HTTPS::host]] eq "")}{



Send a 301 redirect


HTTPS::respond 301 Location ""







Here is the error message I get



01070151:3: Rule [HTTPS-Redirect-Irule] error:


line 1: [unknown event (HTTPS_REQUEST)] [when HTTPS_REQUEST {



Check if host header value is not


if {not ([string tolower [HTTPS::host]] eq "")}{



Send a 301 redirect


HTTPS::respond 301 Location ""








  • When I am trying to accomplish is that when a user types the IP address https://xx.yy.zz.dd he will be redirected to It works for HTTP but not HTTPS
  • Hi Maher,


    There isn't an event called HTTPS_REQUEST or HTTPS::host or HTTPS::respond





    If you are terminating the SSL certificate on the F5 then you need to use HTTP_REQUEST, HTTP::host and HTTP::respond commands. Basically terminating the SSL Cert on the F5 means that it can be decrypted so that it can process the events and commands.





    I help this helps






  • Thanks for the reply. We don't terminate SSL on the F5 so is there a way to change the IP to a domain name when the user type HTTPS://xx.xx.xx.xx
  • No, if you are not terminating, the BIG-IP has no visibility to the traffic above layer4.
  • Hi Maher,


    I do not believe there is a way for the F5 to do what you ask because it's simply passing the 443 traffic through.



  • Sorry, I'm trying to do the same, so continuing from this thread. Would this suffice?







    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if {[active_members POOL] < 1 }{



    HTTP::respond 200 content {



    Apology Page



    We are sorry, but the site is temporarily out of service











  • Hi David,



    If you want to pass through the SSL unencrypted when pool members are available, but terminate the SSL and send an HTTP response if the pool is down, you could import the SSL cert and key, configure them in a client SSL profile, add the client SSL profile and an HTTP profile to the VIP and then use an iRule like this:





    Without importing the cert and key, there is no way to inspect or modify the HTTP headers or content.


