Sep 15, 2011Nimbostratus
How to set the priority of a custom SNMP trap?
One of my users would like to receive notifications of pool member status changes through a third-party monitoring suite we have installed here (not via email, unfortunately). I currently have my LTMs configured to send all warning and higher messages to a single syslog server, which is working well.
After doing some poking around and reading Deb's excellent article at http://devcentral.f5.com/Default.as...icleId=256, I think I can set up some custom SNMP traps to trigger on the specific pool member changes. Where I'm getting a little lost is how to get these messages to my syslog. Since my base syslog configuration is set for warnings and higher, and pool member status changes are logged as notice-level events, how can I get these events through to my syslog? I don't want to drop my entire LTM logging level to notice, that will be way too much noise. Is there some way in the following block to indicate a priority?
alert BIGIP_MCPD_MCPDERR_POOL_MEMBER_MON_STATUS_server "Pool member monitor status (.*?)." {
snmptrap OID=""
I'm running 10.2.2. HF1. Once I get these events in my syslog, I can manage communicating it the rest of the way to the monitoring suite.