Forum Discussion

dyobbs_25515's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 29, 2014

How to force a VS down

Experts hi,


Just wanted to check if we can force a VS down with the ff conditions? 1. When the connection limit is reached on all the servers 2. When only one server is up 3. When the minimum number of active servers per pool is not met.


Is this possible?


  • Hi,


    1. If every servers have reached the connection limit, the client request will be discard.
    2. To do that, you have to work with the "at least" condition on your pool.
    3. Same answer than for the question n°2
  • Thanks Thomas, let me try that.


    So on 1, if there'll be a discard, will my VS go down? I think would be unavailable, but still enabled, and can ping it :) I wanted it to make the VS unreachable.


    For 2 and 3 , will this be an iRule?


  • Yes, you will need an irule for requirements 2 and 3.


    Offline/unavailable (status:red diamond) VS will still respond to ICMP, ARP, and allow TCP connections. This behavior is by design so that an iRule can act on traffic even if the VS is down. There is no way through the gui to make a VS automatically stop responding for icmp/arp, it's going to take some scripting.


    See these DevCentral threads for more info:


    F5 VS always responding to PING


    Virtual Server down, but still repsonds to ping