Forum Discussion

Ujjawal_151193's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 17, 2014

How to edit server details



I am a new to f5. Can somebody help me out with editing servers details like description. I am seeing the description field disabled. Thanks in advance. Reagrds Ujjawal


  • The description can be edited via the gui. If it's disabled you either don't have the right permissions or you reside in the wrong partition.


    If you want to edit the name that is trickier, and could be risky, as the name is used as a key in the v11 config:


    To edit the name you must replace the old name in all configuration files on the unit and reload the config.


    Config files are here:






    Or you can export the config as an scf and edit it that way.


    I would advice against changing the name in production without a proper change window. Especially if you are not used to the command line interface.

