Forum Discussion

Matthieu_Ghilai's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 28, 2016

How to do throttling based on HTTP URL in F5 BIG-IP?

Dear all,


I would like to know how to do message throttling in F5 BIG-IP for a bunch of SOAP services (say +-100). I want to have different rules for the different services. Is it possible to have a queue of messages?


What would you recommend? Could you give me example?


Thanks a lot!


  • Hello some irules exists to rate limit. here is one :


    but we don't queue, we respond 50x in this example.


    A queuing system could be implemented by parking requests information with a sideband call to another virtual server and storing in a table informations then retrying crafted request back to original VS. But this has to be implemented :)