Forum Discussion

Danmau_178060's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 21, 2014

How to configure AD credential passthrough with F5

I am trying to configure a secure way to access a mobile application on one of our DMZ webserver. The mobile application requires an AD account and password and I don't find it secure enough to open LDAP in my firewall. Is there a secure way with F5 that I can authenticate against AD and passthrough the credentials to the mobile credential page? In addition, the web URL needs to become a /xxx once authenticated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Thanks for your quick answer, I have configured through APM our Login page, AD authentication with our AD server followed by SSO. However, I am having difficulty with the redirect to /xxx. If I create an iRule, the iRule kicks in before my login page. So not sure where to redirect to /xxx.


  • All right I think I am almost there, I was able to add the redirect in my APM policy after my SSO but I may have another issue. My redirect point to my DMZ server and eventhough I have remove the check box for "do not close my session" with my APM policy I seem to get out of my virtual server and end up directly in my web server. This causes my SSO not to pass my credentials over. Or at least that is my theory. How to I stay in my virtual server?


  • R_Marc's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    It's quite likely a 301/302 redirect coming from your backend server. You could address that by adding some rewrite policies, or deal with it in your iRule.

    You could add some logging to your iRule to see what the backend is returning:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
      foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
          log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"

    Presumably it's sending a location header, which you could just modify with a string map.

    HTTP::header replace Location [string map {something somethingelse} [HTTP::header Location]]