Forum Discussion

BGammon_9480's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 01, 2010

F5 Monitoring Agent Issues

I cannot get the Monitoring agent to run correctly



I am using SCOM 2007 R2, on Windows 2008, with a SQL 2008 server.



The install failed with similar issues


<04-01-2010 11:19:18> FatalError: The F5 Monitoring Service did not start within the timeout period.


<04-01-2010 11:19:18> FatalError: There was a problem attempting to make calls into the F5 Monitoring Service. Check the Windows Event Log and trace logs for the reason and try starting the service again manually.






F5Networks.F5Exception: Unable to connect to data source: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host HPVCPSCOM01 could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.


: HPVCPSCOM01 ---> F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionFailedException: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host HPVCPSCOM01 could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.



More info, I get errors in the F5 Management Event Log about - Requested registry access is not allowed.



All the accounts have the admin access they need. The database is created in SQL, the account the F5 agent is running under is an admin for SCOM, SQL and the machine.



Any ideas?

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