Forum Discussion

kbasa_279826's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 27, 2016

Error on the login page for SSO

Configured APM as Identity Provider , following the document


When i initiate the SSO from the SP application , it gets redirected to the APM but with an error. i do not see a login screen , instead this error


Object not found!


The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.Error 404


it gets redirected to the url :


Where can i find the logs to see more information about this error.? or can anyone tell me if i am missing something here....


  • Depends on where you are shipping the logging information. Usually ASM/APM can help with the request logs... Which solutions are doing most of your logging? ASM log shows the why, but not the detailed debugging information.


  • if you put the APM related services on debug then you find SAML related information in the /var/log/apm

  is pointing to the virtual server to which the IdP APM profile is attached?