Forum Discussion

Al_Carandang_11's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 07, 2006

Editor doesn' t work with HTTP proxy that requires authentication

It appears that the editor does not work with ISA HTTP proxy when authentication is needed. When the editor starts up, it issues the request
And our proxy replies with
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied.  )
The editor doesn't attempt to authenticate. I'm still able to use the editor, I just don't get the templates and cannot check for updates.


  • This has been reported before. The initial request is the .NET Framework attempting to check if an application update is required. Unfortunately, I don't believe this can be modified. The secondary check when the editor attempts to download updates is in the editor code itself and should be able to be modified. Since I don't have a proxy to test with it may be difficult to get a solution for. We are in the process of releasing the sources to the community and hopefully when that happens someone will be able to contribute a fix for communication through a proxy.



  • Here's a link to the templates zipped up:




    Click here



    You'll need to extract these into the following directory



    %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\F5 Networks\iRuler\Templates



    where USERPROFILE is the environment variable for your home directory. You can find this out by typing the following at a command prompt



    c:\> echo %USERPROFILE%



    After you've extracted the files into that directory, when you restart the iRule Editor and you should be all set.



  • Looks like MS has a hotfix for the Proxy authentication with ClickOnce deployed apps.




    Click here



    Let us know if this works...


