Forum Discussion

TTrautman_94620's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 08, 2008

Current user count for virtual

In "b virtual show" at the command line, I can view the current connection count on a virtual server. Is there any means to obtain this value in an Irule?



We have a global load balancing that can tune how much traffic is sent to each data center based on current load. It does this by doing a fetch to a user specified web page within each data center. The page is to respond with the current user count. Ideally, I'd like to grab this value with an Irule and insert it into the GET request as the page is sent to the web server. In this way, the web server could easily build a response page that has the value inserted.
  • You could modify Joe's contribution utilizing the stats profile (Click here) to count each connection, and push it to a stats page.



  • Yea...just seems crazy to have to track something that's already being tracked by the product. With stats profile, I have to add a count everytime a user shows up, and subtract a user evertime one goes away. I guess I could go with this method, but it would be nice if I could query the same stat the F5 is already tracking itself.