Forum Discussion

YOUNES_323444's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2018

Create net routing bgp issue, RCI for BGP and BFD (ZebOS to tmsh ROUTING)

Hello, I am trying to migrate a BGP configuration from ZebOS to tmsh tmsh to test the new functionality of 13.1.0 (Routing Configuration Integration (RCI) for BGP and BFD).


I activate TMOS ROUTING by: tmsh modify sys db tmrouted.tmos.routing value enable.


when I try to configure the TMOS BGP by: create net routing bgp TEST local-as 65540,


I have this error message :


[api-status-warning] net / routing / bgp is early_access 01071c3f: 3: Can not mix routing-protocol Legacy and TMOS mode for route-domain (/ Common / 0).


Any idea please ???