ZebOS VTY Config locked by other VTY
In ZebOS, I lost my connection to the F5 and then restored it only to find out I couldn't get into configuration mode because the VTY line was locked from doing any configuration. conf t VTY configuration is locked by other VTY show users Line User Host(s) Idle Location 130 vty 0 idle 00:10:13 0 131 vty 1 idle 00:00:10 1 In Cisco, I could just clear the vty line to end that session, however it doesn't appear to be that simple in F5. How can I terminate the other session or just fix that error? The two solution I have that are not quick is to wait for that session to just time out or reboot the device.820Views1like0CommentsDefault Route into OSPF
I am unable to advertise a default route from the F5 into ospf. I have an F5 VE running 12.1.1 on KVM-QEMU. IMI is running and I have neighbor relationships with the appropriate routers. All other routes that I test are added without issues, but I do not see the route being advertised into ospf. MY ZebOS config: [root@F5-INTERNET-01:Active:In Sync] config cat zebos/rd0/ZebOS.conf ! no service password-encryption ! interface lo ! interface tmm ! interface Core ip ospf priority 0 ip ospf mtu-ignore ! interface Internet ! router ospf ospf router-id redistribute kernel passive-interface Internet network area ! line con 0 login line vty 0 39 login ! end Here is the LTM Configuration: ltm virtual /Common/Test { destination /Common/ ip-protocol tcp mask any profiles { /Common/fastL4 { } } source translate-address enabled translate-port disabled } ltm virtual /Common/test2 { destination /Common/ ip-protocol tcp mask profiles { /Common/tcp { } } source translate-address enabled translate-port enabled } ltm virtual /Common/test3 { destination /Common/ ip-protocol tcp mask profiles { /Common/tcp { } } source translate-address enabled translate-port disabled } ltm virtual-address /Common/ { address any arp disabled icmp-echo disabled mask any route-advertisement enabled server-scope none traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-1 } ltm virtual-address /Common/ { address arp enabled icmp-echo enabled mask route-advertisement enabled server-scope none traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-1 } ltm virtual-address /Common/ { address arp disabled icmp-echo disabled mask route-advertisement enabled server-scope none traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-1 } What is the issue?494Views0likes1CommentCreate net routing bgp issue, RCI for BGP and BFD (ZebOS to tmsh ROUTING)
Hello, I am trying to migrate a BGP configuration from ZebOS to tmsh tmsh to test the new functionality of 13.1.0 (Routing Configuration Integration (RCI) for BGP and BFD). I activate TMOS ROUTING by: tmsh modify sys db tmrouted.tmos.routing value enable. when I try to configure the TMOS BGP by: create net routing bgp TEST local-as 65540, I have this error message : [api-status-warning] net / routing / bgp is early_access 01071c3f: 3: Can not mix routing-protocol Legacy and TMOS mode for route-domain (/ Common / 0). Any idea please ???478Views0likes2CommentsDynamic routing is not enabled in route domain 0
I got a BIG IP Lab Licensed virtual copy and try to run ZebOS(imish) shell on the virtual machine. However, ./imish binary always prints out this message: "Dynamic routing is not enabled in route domain 0" I already enabled dynamic routing protocols of route domain 0 by following the procedures in this document ( https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/13000/800/sol13802.html ). Is there anyone who can help me solve this problem? I'd really appreciate any help you can provide.643Views0likes2Comments