Forum Discussion

Edu_50128's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2013

Communications problems between servers


We have some problems with the comunications of some server. The situation is below:

  • Server A on VLAN 1 with IP
  • Server B on VLAN 1 with IP
  • Server C on VLAN 1 with IP
  • Virtual Server on VLAN 2 with IP (its nodes are servers A and B)

The service is over http and https, and we are not using SNAT.

When clients from Internet try to connect to the Service there is no problem; but when server C ask for virtual server service, the connections never reach the server A or B. We just have this problem with connections over servers are in the same VLAN.

If we do a tcpdump we can see:

12:00:15.139092 IP > S 1702227370:1702227370(0) win 65535 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>

But the connection seems it doesn´t go out from the BIG-IP since in the servers A and B we cannot see any connection from server C or Virtual Server.

Any idea? Could you help me?

Thanks Regards