Forum Discussion

Scot_85536's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 31, 2009

Can't read cookie on F5 terminated SSL?

Hey everyone,


I've got a VIP that I can connect to via HTTP and HTTPS, with the BigIP terminating the SSL with a client SSL profile. Nothing set for the server SSL profile as I don't need to encrypt the last leg to the server. On that VIP I'm trying to read a cookie with an irule. I can successfully read it on http requests, but not on https requests. Am I missing something? As I understood, as long as the F5 is terminating the SSL connection I should be able to read the cookie.


I'm trying to do something simple until I get it working:


if { [HTTP::cookie exists "customcookie"]} {


log "cookie customcookie value [HTTP::cookie customcookie]"



