Forum Discussion

Deb_Allen_18's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Sep 18, 2007

Can't add rule with dash in name

iRuler v0.9.1.3

Tried to add a new rule with a dash in the name (TT-HTTPretry) and got the following error:Invalid characters in the iRule name. Only alpha characters, numbers, and the following special characters are allowed (.*/-:_?=@,)

2 issues:

1) A dash is definitely an allowed character in the iRule name, as the list represents, but that pesky error... (The editor does allow me to re-save existing iRules with dashes in their names.)

2) Not all of those characters are valid in iRule names. Using the following characters in the iRule name:
you can create the rule in the editor, but you get an iControl exception error re: invalid name when you attempt to save. (Couldn't test (), not sure if they are part of the list or just delimiters)

Looks like the allowed characters are alphas, numerics, underscore, period & dash only?



  • I've just modified the Editor to block those characters from the name. The following regular expression is in place "[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]" to block bad characters. So basically any character besides an alpha, number, period, underscore, and a dash is not allowed. I'll try to get an updated build online later this week.


