Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Nov 11, 2022

Can BIG-IQ accept waf illegal request?


I understand that there is many limitation on BIG-IQ but
How can I make BIG-IQ to accept waf illegal request?  It's gray and non-clickable 

ps. admin user

Thank you

    • AubreyKingF5's avatar
      Icon for Moderator rankModerator

      I have been asking on this one. If you have an answer already, I'd love to know.. Else, I'll be putting up a BIG-IQ later this week to see..


      This might be a good one to drop a non-critical support case in for.  If you've never submitted a case from your support portal, this would be an excellent one to submit..

      • kridsana's avatar
        Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus


        How is it going?  I didn't open support case yet.