Forum Discussion

Anthonie's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 11, 2022

Big-IQ HA logs

Hi, We have a BIG-IQ HA setup with 4 servers. Two DCD and two mains. One as active and the other standby. When a failover happens for whatever reason i'm assuming there is some information about tha...
  • Sebastiansierra's avatar
    Apr 12, 2022


    Without documentation, I recommend you open a support case with F5 level 4 " how-to ", because I am almost sure that these events are in var/log/ltm, but it's better if support confirms it if you can´t perform a failover.

    and the other question, the answer is Yes, Big-IQ is based on TMOS, and the OS is similar to Big-IP that runs TMOS inside too, you can try this command without any wrong behavior tmsh show /cm failover-status.