Forum Discussion

Arnaud_Ciron_12's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 18, 2007

Beginner : How to create an iRule to monitor SSL traffic ?




I'm new to iRule and BIGIP and we're using this box to terminate specific SSL connections (for credit cards equipments). Everything just works fine except I'd like to know :


1/ Why a connection was refused for some reasons.


2/ Who has terminated the SSL connection (which IP), because we're going to aggregtate thousands of connections and tcpdump is not appropriate.


3/ If possible : check the packet content after decryption.



I've search on the forum but still not found something useful so far.



Thanks in advance.
  • For a start, just a simple logging would be enough :



    How can I log successul SSL connections ?


    How can I log failed connections ?



    I've tried some code to log HTTP connection which is working fine :





    log local0. "client: [IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port] -> dest: [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]"





    But I use HTTP only for testing purpose. When setup will be complete I will have to monitor SSL connections only.



    Second problem : As far as I known logging to local0.* is written in /etc/var/tmm. We'll have thousand of connections going to that bigip and I wouldn't like to have not enough disk space. Instead I use a remote syslog server with this part of code inside syslog-ng.conf :



    Send messages to localhost through udp port 514


    destination d_remoteLogTunnel {


    udp ("x.x.x.x" port (514));





    Performing logging


    log {


    source (local);


    filter (f_catchall);


    destination (d_remoteLogTunnel);





    How can I send connections logging only to remote server ?
  • In the syslog-ng.conf you can specify in your filter which events you want logged to which destination (local or remote) using 'match' and 'not match'.



    Take a look at this post from Tungstent as well as the overall thread for some additional info: (Click here).



  • Ok,



    I've managed to setup logging for successful connections.



    How about the failed connections ? As far as I known there is no event in iRules which could trigger an event when for example a SSL connection has failed ? (As a reminder I use a speciic TCP protocol, no HTTP here).



    Thanks in advance for your help