Forum Discussion

Abhishek_Sinha_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 10, 2018

APM => HTTP command v/s ACCESS command

Hello Experts !


I am new to F5 iRule. I am trying to understand the difference between "HTTP" and "ACCESS" command-sets. The possible assumption that I currently have is as below:


HTTP : The scope of HTTP is during communication from Client (Browser) to F5 i.e. Pre - access policy evaluation [ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED]; and then communication From F5 to the Pool member (Server) i.e. post access policy evaluation and access allowance [ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED].


ACCESS : The scope of ACCESS is while access policy evaluation is in progress i.e. from event [ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED] to [ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED].


Seeking your expert advice :)


Cheers, Abhishek