Forum Discussion

paulooliveira's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 30, 2024

APM - Close Browser


I have APM configured and working correctly for SSO with PEOPLESOFT.

But due to a request from the CISO, I need the browser to be closed every time the user logs out.

Is it possible to do this in APM or irule?





  • It would be nice, but browsers don't allow javascript to do that unless the same javascript opened the page in the first place. 


    See this discussion:


    The ordinary workaround is to 302 redirect or .location() them to a page that:

    1- Clears (resets to an invalid value or sets it to expire, usually do both) their cookies and/or any session storage.

    2- Shows them a "you are safely logged out, please close your browser now" message.