Configuring ExternalDNS for Kubernetes with F5 CIS, LTM and DNS
Part of the internet plumbing that allows clients to easily reach applications is DNS. DNS will map a hostname to the IP address of an application. DNS is often configured by hand, staticly. However, when applications are dynamically changing, such as in the case of a Kubernetes environment, we need DNS to keep up without human intervention. Luckily, F5 BIG-IP customers have the pieces required to not only take care of ingress into dynamic resources in Kubernetes using F5 Container Ingress Service (CIS) and Local Traffic Manager (LTM), but the DNS can be taken care of as well with the F5 DNS module. Using ExternalDNS, administrators can control the DNS records dynamically using Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). F5 Product Management Engineer, Mark Dittmer, provides how-to videos and example Github repos on using this feature. ExternalDNS for Kubernetes using F5 CIS with BIG-IP LTM and DNS Github Repo: ExternalDNS for Multi-Site Kubernetes using F5 CIS with BIG-IP LTM and DNS Github Repo: