Forum Discussion

saidshow's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Sep 12, 2019

Will changing to HTTP/2 impact ASM policies?

Hi All,


We currently have a large number of ASM policies in place and have recently resumed discussions on enabling HTTP/2 on the F5s. 


Since HTTP/2 operates quite differently to HTTP/1.1 will the change have any impact on the existing ASM policies? eg. WIll they continue to detect malicious requests, illegal characters etc?



Thank you.

  • Thanks  , looking at that link, it's suggested that HTTP/2 is better supported with ASM in Version which i certainly part of the information I needed.


    Additionally, I want to confirm that existing ASM policies will continue to block and allow the same traffic once HTTP/2 is enabled on the F5, on the servers and modifications made on the web app to better support HTTP/2.

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    This posting "" would suggest that the combination is indeed supported.