Forum Discussion

Dan_G_195141's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 01, 2018

Wildcard VS does not forward traffic on assigned VLAN

Hi there,

I need some help from the community. 🙂

I can't get a wildcard virtual server to match/forward traffic. I've been fighting with this for a few days now. Maybe I'm missing something simple?

Setup is HA pair / BIG-IP Build 0.0.5 Point Release 3

A little background.

I created this wildcard vs in response to following requirements:

1) Send tcp,udp syslog traffic to new pool (lets call it syslog_pool) in VLAN100

2) Preserve source-ip header for all traffic sent to new pool (No SNAT)

In order to preserve source-ip I set the floating self-ip ( in VLAN100 as the default gateway for servers in the syslog_pool (instead of usual gateway This is to prevent an asymmetric route with snat automap disabled.

However the default-route on the F5 pair is not appropriate for traffic sourced from these servers destined for external networks.

I tried to solve the default-route problem by sending all traffic sourced from this VLAN back to the correct gateway (pool vlan100_net_gateway [] in VLAN100) as follows (IP's and VLAN ID's obfuscated):

ltm virtual syslog_ip_route_0 {
    pool vlan100_net_gateway
    profiles {
        ip_route_fastl4 { }
    translate-address disabled
    translate-port disabled
    vlans {
    vs-index 1540

ltm profile fastl4 ip_route_fastl4 {
    app-service none
    defaults-from fastL4
    idle-timeout 300
    loose-initialization enabled
    reset-on-timeout disabled

ltm virtual-address {
    address any
    arp disabled
    icmp-echo disabled
    traffic-group traffic-group-1

net self {
    allow-service all
    floating enabled
    traffic-group traffic-group-1
    unit 1
    vlan VLAN100

Problem: zero traffic matches this wildcard vs. Stats on the virtual server, the virtual address, and vlan100_net_gateway pool are all zeros.

I can ping the floating-ip (default gateway) from the servers.

I can access any VIP on the F5's (listening on all VLANs) from the servers via floating-ip as default gateway.

I see only SYN's for traffic sent to external networks when watching on the F5's with tcpdump.

I even tried moving VLAN, Self-IPs, Pool and VIP to brand new route domain. Same issue. 0 Traffic.

Any ideas?


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    are you sending tcp or udp traffic? fastl4 will match tcp traffic only, did you do any packet capture?


  • Dan_G's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I'm testing with TCP. I did packet captures on the F5 with tcpdump and see SYN's sent from server on self-ip VLAN but no packets match the wildcard virtial server per LTM stats.


    My goal is to match all traffic (TCP, UDP) sent from servers (F5 set as gateway in inline mode) and forward to a specific gateway (pool) that is different from gateway configured in LTM.


    I thought I could use a Performance L4 virtual server with a "alternate gateway pool" but maybe I need to use a Forwarding IP virtual server as described here: Maybe in conjunction with separate route-domain for alternate default route?


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee



    1) if the packet arrives via allowed vlan 2) if there is any other VIP configured with destination IP or/end TCP port of the client's side packet