Forum Discussion

Ucchy_355121's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 08, 2018

Which shutdown option should I use to halt a blade when replacing the blade

I'm replacing a blade on a Viprion (B2150) with a RMA and before I remove the blade, I think I need to "halt" it. Which command should I use to "halt" the blade, "shutdown -h now" or "shutdown -H now"?


I'm planning to replace the blade by following the steps below: 1. ssh slot2 <<-- I'd like to replace blade2 2. shutdown -h now or shutdown -H now 3. Remove the blade 4. Insert the new blade (RMA) 5. Wait until the active blade copies the OS to the new blade and restores the config


Please note that somehow AOM is not accessible both in SSH and console connection (the FE says pressing Esc + ) doesn't work while connecting to the console port)


  • I got the answer from some other guy. I can use "shutdown -h now" but decided to use the bladectl command, which allows me to shut down and restart only a certain blade. I don't need to use AOM this way.


    Thanks anyway.