Forum Discussion

saidshow's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 19, 2019

Where to place bash scripts on the appliance in order to survive platform upgrades?

Hi All,


I have a bash script that is executed by an iCall script. I know iCall will survive an upgrade of the BIG-IP platform however I suspect that my bash script will need to be placed in to very specific location on the F5 appliance such as /tmp? I want to confirm where my bash script should live on the appliance so that when we upgrade the appliance, this script will copy across and continue to run without any manual intervention being required.




  • /var/tmp is actually a link to /shared/tmp. So no need to agaonize over them. If it is a file of a temporary nature, use /var/tmp; otherwise you can create a directory structure /shared/my_icall/bash_scritps/ and put your bash scripts there, as SP's suggested above.

  • Thanks . That clears things up for me. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I am sure others will benefit from this too. Enjoy the day.

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    /var/tmp will be carried over in an upgrade.

  • Thanks to both JG and Stanislas Piron for your suggestions. It appears as though both options will suffice. I actually raised a ticket with F5 last week asking the same question, F5 have suggested /config however the engineer that suggested this also noted that he was going to confirm and get back to me. I have not yet had confirmation that /config is what they recommend.


    Of the suggestions so far I would prefer to stay out of the /config folder. Both /var/tmp and my own folder in /shared/ feel like better options.

    When I have the official response from F5 I will also add it here. Thank you both once again!

  • In my own lab, I created a folder and within that a test.txt with some sample text. I had this folder in /config, /shared/ and also /var/tmp/. In all 3 cases this folder and the file did exist post minor version upgrade. 13.0.0 to I do expect that there is an optimal location to prevent issues from arising or to support major version upgrades. I have requested an update on my ticket with F5 however there is not yet any update since Friday (3 days ago.)

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    /var/tmp is actually a link to /shared/tmp. So no need to agaonize over them. If it is a file of a temporary nature, use /var/tmp; otherwise you can create a directory structure /shared/my_icall/bash_scritps/ and put your bash scripts there, as SP's suggested above.