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Teerarat's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Aug 24, 2022

What's diffrent install configuration option on menu boot location


I have a question about install configuration option on menu boot location, Please find the screen capture below,

I try to test selected drop-down yes and no that we found the same result, Could you please let me know what's diffrent on this option


  • Here's what I've managed to figure out regarding this option:

    When you prepare a new version a new partition is created. When it's created the current configuration is also applied.

    So let's say I prepare an upgrade the day before and then want to activate it the day after. A bunch of changes could've happened since then right? If I do not install the configuration the latest configuration is not applied to the new version and all those changes are lost when the new version is activated.

    Install configuration: yes would apply the configuration from the chosen source partition when the new version is booting up.

    Makes sense?

    Heres the manual:

    Kind regards,

  • Here's what I've managed to figure out regarding this option:

    When you prepare a new version a new partition is created. When it's created the current configuration is also applied.

    So let's say I prepare an upgrade the day before and then want to activate it the day after. A bunch of changes could've happened since then right? If I do not install the configuration the latest configuration is not applied to the new version and all those changes are lost when the new version is activated.

    Install configuration: yes would apply the configuration from the chosen source partition when the new version is booting up.

    Makes sense?

    Heres the manual:

    Kind regards,

    • Mohamed_Salah_'s avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP


      this option allows you to copy the configuration from a boot location to another one, usually it is used when you make an upgrade the F5 to a new release. you will follow the below steps:

      1. install the new software version on the new boot location.
        • when you install a new software verson on a boot location, you will find no configuration on that boot location.
      2. so in order to activate the new boot locaiton, you need to copy the configuration first before booting up as patrik mentioned in his reply. 
        • if you didn't copy the configuration and left the option(no) you will end up with the default configuraiton on that boot location and you will need to activate the old boot location (rollback the upgrade).

      just for your info, you can copy the config using the cli before activating the new boot location and don't select (yes) option in this tab.

      here is the link for the CLI command:

  • In my experience Patrik is correct. But I would point that as a best practice you should always use the "yes" option. Assuming you are upgrading a fully functional system, of course.
