Forum Discussion

Anzine321's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 22, 2024

what is impact enable analytic profile on local ltm


I have to trooubleahoot application response time and decided to enable analytic profile on virtual server

What is impact when enable analytic profile on virtual server like resource sytem?

  • we can say the avr module is like splunk, so it's database intensive and it uses lots of cpu and storage resource.

    i suggest dont enable it for production virtual server.

6 Replies

    • Anzine321's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      main purpose to enable analytic profile on ltm only for troubleshoot high response time for stresstes

      it is difficult to capture dump because a lot off traffic, tmm cpu, other memory and analysis cpu spike more than 50% during testing. is there related resource cpu and high response time ?

      • boneyard's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        Yeah I would say so, if the load on the BIG-IP itself becomes too high then traffic through it is going to suffer.


        If you can involve F5 support in this, they can check the box with you and also perhaps have a look at AVR, it doesn't make sense to have it and can't use it.


        How much is the load during normal traffic?

  • we can say the avr module is like splunk, so it's database intensive and it uses lots of cpu and storage resource.

    i suggest dont enable it for production virtual server.