Forum Discussion

Krishna_251070's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 10, 2017

Virtual VS Virtual-Address

Hi Experts,

Can anyone please guide me what is the different between the Virtual and Virtual address?

I understand that using 'virtual' we define a VIP and other associated parameters. Why would anyone want to define just a virtual address using 'virtual-address' command? What's the use of 'virtual-address'?

user@(ltm-02)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) create ltm virtual
  virtual           virtual-address  
user@(ltm-02)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) create ltm virtual
  • virtual -> This is the Virtual Server (VS) which you create with a name followed by destination of IP:PORT, assigning pool, profiles, etc.

    virtual-address -> This is the part of VIP settings, where you can name a VIP and then use that name to create a VS (Similar to node creation with name & use that name in the pool member creation).

    (tmos) create ltm virtual-address test-virtual-address-name address
    (tmos) create ltm virtual dummy_virtual-address destination test-virtual-address-name:80
    (tmos) list ltm vi
      virtual           virtual-address
    (tmos) list ltm virtual dummy_virtual-address
    ltm virtual dummy_virtual-address {
        destination test-virtual-address-name:http
        profiles {
            fastL4 { }
        vs-index 234715

    Modify the other properties of address too (icmp, traffic group), lets say you have 10VS (,, etc) on the same Vip( address, you can modify the vip-address to reflect the changes on the all 10VS.