Forum Discussion

genseek_32178's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 16, 2012

Virtual Server Cmds




In our environment, we have Virtual Servers configured in the following way,



virtual apps_critical_BTK




pool bzt_pool destination


ip protocol tcp


persist persist_default


profiles tcp_default {}


vlans {








} enable



I want to understand, why, once the virutal server has been defined, the following 3 vlans










have been enabled or mapped to the virtual server?



what is the purpose? What if i remove the specific VLAN on which the VIP is sitting?



Help would to understand this would...appreciated.

14 Replies

  • Can you try enabling the virtual server on all VLANs and retest? If that works then I'd guess the client wasn't on one of the VLANs that was enabled. If that doesn't work, then like Nitass suggested, try opening a case as something weird is going on.



  • Ok, i will try opening a support case.



    1) .......But tell me, otherwise, if NO vlans are enabled on a virtual server, by default ALL vlans are allowed...right?


  (VS) will accept ANY traffic on the, ftp,ntp...etc



    2).......if any specific VLAN is enabled...on the virtual server and the VIP is on a different vlan...which too is NOT enabled on the VS, then also....VIP should ping.... right?



    I.e to say...irrespective of the specific VLAN on which VIP sits is..enabled or not on the virtual server.
  • When you're testing this, make sure in the GUI that it says VLAN and Tunnel Traffic: All VLANs and Tunnels. If you select Enabled On but don't select any VLANs then the VS won't accept connections.

    This bad config will show up in the bigip.conf as:

    ltm virtual ltm_ve_1_http_vs {
        ip-protocol tcp
        profiles {
            http { }
            tcp { }
        rules {
        snat automap

    I'm not sure what you mean for your second question. By VIP do you mean virtual server IP address (ie, virtual address)? The VLAN config for a virtual server is only looked at for the inbound (or ingress) traffic. You don't need the virtual server enabled on the VLAN the servers are on if the servers are not originating connections to the virtual server.

  • 1)..........By VIP do you mean virtual server IP address (ie, virtual address)?



    yes, by VIP, i mean....the virtual address.



    2)........The VLAN config for a virtual server is only looked at for the inbound (or ingress) traffic.



    So, if the vlan on which Virtual address sits, is NOT enabled on th virtual server, will the VIP respond to icmp ping requests from within or outside?