Forum Discussion

Nadeem_Mohammed's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 14, 2017

VIp is inaccessible with instance name



Vip is not working with instance name.


Ex : Vip : MyTestClust01\BMSTB.


NOte : MyTestClust01 is accessible but not with instance Name.


I have added two node with above vip, node are accessible with instance name but not the VIP.


Nodes : Clust01\BMSTB and Clust02\BMSTB


Can any one please suugest on this.


  • Hi,


    Can you please provide VIP configuration and iRule details if any iRule is assigned


    • Nadeem_Mohammed's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      no irule is assigned, general/regular configuration is done for VIP.


      As i said earlier it working with VIP NAme : MyTestClust01 but not with Instance name : MyTestClust01\BMSTB.


      IS there any special/additional configuration for instance name ?


    • Simon_Blakely's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee



      You are not being clear enough about the problem you are encountering, which is why we would like to see the VIP configuration.


      In what way are you trying to use the Instance name (MyTestClust01\BMSTB)? What do you mean by the Instance Name?


  • Hi,


    Can you please provide VIP configuration and iRule details if any iRule is assigned


    • Nadeem_Mohammed's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      no irule is assigned, general/regular configuration is done for VIP.


      As i said earlier it working with VIP NAme : MyTestClust01 but not with Instance name : MyTestClust01\BMSTB.


      IS there any special/additional configuration for instance name ?


    • Simon_Blakely's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee



      You are not being clear enough about the problem you are encountering, which is why we would like to see the VIP configuration.


      In what way are you trying to use the Instance name (MyTestClust01\BMSTB)? What do you mean by the Instance Name?