Forum Discussion

OM's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 26, 2013

vdi with teradici

hello, F5 doesn't recommend using cookie persistence with least session load balancing method. however, in my VDI setup with Teradici client and more than one vdi server in my pool, only that setup works. I tried cookie persistence with least connection, round robin, ...etc and none work. If I put one server in the pool, the load balancing method works no matter what.


Did anybody else experience such issues? big-ip 11.4 hfx3


thank you.




  • That is strange - the load balancing method is used to select the pool member for new connections whereas the persistence method is used to override this and maintain a connection to a single backend server.


    Cookie persistence sets a cookie on the client with the backend server details which the client then returns with subsequent requests and the f5 looks at this and uses it to select the backend server.


    Have you looked at this in more detail with httpwatch or tcpdump/ssldump?


  • OM's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello Pete,below is the ltm log file in debugging mode...At the first (LookupApmSid ) we got an error. In thise test we had Cookie persistence with least connection as load balancing method.ath the second (lookupApmSid), we didn't get any error. we have used Cookie persistence with least session as load balancing mehod.